Sheriff Taylor passed away. Andy Griffith’s television character, Andy of Mayberry is one of the greatest of all television achievements. Jumping the Shark years aside, The Andy Griffith Show was brilliant. In an era of utopian themes on American television, Sheriff Taylor’s triumph was one of the best. As the 104.3 FM DJ said this morning, Griffith made more Matlock legal mysteries, but for those who remember Andy is classic. Or something similar.
Children watched faithfully until, of course, because Andy and Barney had so much fun protecting the community, Officer Fife had to go because the show’s wholesomeness precluded promotion to Andy’s job. And while the Sheriff was earnestly serious, it’s in Andy’s grin how much Barney Fife’s discombobulation drew their perfect picture of camaraderie.
In the 1970-90s when Atlanta’s TBS broadcast Andy every day repetition reiterated the Sheriff’s clarity controlling Mayberry with an even hand while even accommodating the city’s career criminal, Otis Campbell. It was as if that nut Ted Turner decided Andy should have a pulpit for as long as he held out against television ratings. Brilliant how the show faced the world’s real hard questions. The writers exposed a central problem that no one likes feeling shovelled through the system. Andy had time. Remember the sophisticated big city gal who got the speeding ticket from Andy at the City Limits? She just had to be ornery with the southern hick and Andy jailed her until she woke to the idea common folk are equal.
Watching, its apparent African-Americans were not characters on the show to appease racist sentiment. But every time someone does appear in the background its a statement only good people would live in Mayberry. Yet Andy of Mayberry wasn’t so much walking the line to get away with anything as saying everything should be thought through. Sheriff Taylor exemplified how well thought out dilemmas were almost always solved with at least another question by the end of the show.
Symbolic as all get out, Mayberry really tackled solving the criminal enterprise system as casually as you please as Andy’s Sheriff’s Office was just people hanging around three decades before Seinfeld was a show about nothing. Whereas Seinfeld abstractly flaunted morals to remind us what social scientists have said we forgot, Andy was downright like Confucius with a badge. Exemplary. Surely Andy Griffith’s portrayal of goodness epitomized his career in fiction, but, if you’ve seen A Face In The Crowd you know as Sheriff Taylor did, Andy Griffith said so much more smiling between the lines. Thank you Sir, you really broke your leg.
7/3/2012 concluded: Symbolic as all get out, Mayberry really tackled solving the criminal enterprise system as casually as you please as Andy’s Sheriff’s Office was just people hanging around three decades before Seinfeld was a show about nothing. Whereas Seinfeld abstractly flaunted morals to remind us what social scientists have said we forgot, Andy was downright like Confucius with a badge. Exemplary. Surely Andy Griffith’s portrayal of goodness epitomized his career in fiction, but, if you’ve seen A Face In The Crowd you know as Sheriff Taylor did, Andy Griffith said so much more smiling between the lines. Thank you Sir, you really broke your leg.
March 27 - April 13, 2016
No one's run a civil society as Sheriff Taylor could. Where the major detail's wondering "where's Opie?" Because town drunks are civil enough to lock themselves up. It was as if Andy often hid the key, to the cells, so people could face themselves without hiding in a hole. Yet everyone could see the key on its' hook right between the jail cells.
Mayberry. Everyone who can face truth, knows it's true. That despite all the necessary pragmatic measures this violent world requires, if everyone settled their disabled utopias in Mayberry violence would conclude. Uh huh. But revenge substituting for justice sounds foolish too.
Yet if everyone faced those truths?
Yet if everyone faced those truths?
Justice Springs Eternal
by James Forman Jr., author of the forthcoming,"Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America"
Sheriff Taylor was above the fray, where larger issues were kept secondary to ratings. Not dissimilar to the current era. Where fought over numbers and dictating opinion to a transcribing populace hasn't changed. Censorship? What people're fed to know's, cloaked jargon infused dialogue where phrases replace thought and sentences become fragments of superlatives shading the narrowed substance.
Sure we're sure no one's sure everyone's sure for sure. Sure.
Affording law and order's what's not happened yet. Costs? Partly. Because whatever civilization can't afford, is made up for by how lucrative crime's legal aspects remain. Sure Mayberry could afford a more passive, in appearance, enforcement during the dawn of the great cultural upheaval scapegoated by advocates of the continued Militarization of the Criminal Enterprise System that requires submitting sub-cultures to orthodox prejudice. Hint: Free the Rasta Soul.
Everywhere anything's scapegoated to justify violence. It's the shame that's not fully shared and felt by this, another arrogant, generation among many. Categorizing disruptives as totally responsible for disruptiveness. Sigh. Everything through inanimate objects are our productions. Then suddenly enticed by wickedness, crime's the perpetrators' fault entirely. Right. Justify that liberal crap that puts killers back on the streets. Separate the public consciousness from realizing the petri dish life of prison cell aggravation is inhumane. Periods in a a yard, notwithstanding.What follows is the acceptable fact. Be nice to us, you're let out. Sorry we avoid solving circumstances that allow for your going in. Bleeding heart, I get. Short-sighted, I understand. And unfortunately chest-pounding authoritarian-ish self-righteousness sucks too. ...
This is cool. The Andy Griffith Show Episodes and Writers.
Legal (sanctioned) corruption's as unfortunately fascinating, and root of all that's wrong? So much has been learned, it's dreadful, and sad, public consciousness is led and torn by such jagged edges.
... Sheriff McCall ...
... Sheriff McCall ...
What's Going On During These Days On The Verge?
Verge. Wanting to use Upright Citizens Brigade in a sentence to dramatize the zealous idealizing of manufacturing an ideal society, I was soon daunted by the realization it's already a comedy troupe's name. Adjectives avoiding nouns in this day and age? Who'd want to be guilty of that? Cough. Sometimes it feels we're overrun by devotion to an upright citizens' brigade.
No. The public's probably not learned enough lessons from the preceding year's supposed political upheavals to overturn politicians' use of the "American People" to support whatever power play they devour rather than approach because, after all, ruthless rules. The target that just keeps giving. Economics are everything. And when upheaval's sensed, upheaval's sold gung-ho!
So everyone's mood's for manufacturing news to fit what's ready to discombobulate. Create sparks so the show flies. Failures as opponents to be human beings. Such that people are machines where power's involved. No? Or, at least, maybe, most likely. Don't be anyone's sycophant.
So. Acting our age. Theoretically very old in people years, but blip in eternal time. Fascinating.
Right. All our lonesome we're still culturally and economically screwed up. Trickle down's opportunity poisoned by disasters we control. Poverty's high cost when poor's not much money's ground under by inflation's pace. Plus scapegoating drug addiction's criminal empire and nature's calamities. Things not solved so we don't. As if impoverishment's fate. That's so yesterday as the kids used to say.
If not for imperfect people - the unspoken thought goes. But what's not faced is what the Criminal Enterprise System's Fine Society is. By surviving on the however immoral crutches themselves, The Fine Society scapegoats responsibility while paying ourselves, somewhat, for the frustration. Right. Tinker. People aren't as bad as made out to be desperate.
People Think What They're Told
Is some assumption. Political Theorem. Excused as a necessary evil in an already poisoned well. That no one's an island means not bothering to remind kids to question authority? Because everything civic should just reflect a patriotic glaze? I believe, essence of, monarchic rule, no?
Etc. The Government Gorsuch Wants To Undo
Yeah. The liberal slant opposes replacing one bureaucratic labyrinth with the other. As for anyone who's lived through office politics, there's a pot calling kettle black aura about this massive maze of ill & legitimate conspiracies of individuals, competing for power, afoot here. Wow, we're complicated. Sinister? Gulp. ... Why the millions of dollars required for a comfortable retirement's such a disappointment. Life's affordability a modern lark. Time was a decent yearly income was interest on $100,000 in the bank. LOOK WHAT WE'VE DONE! Disabling our own success. ...
It's not part of the spoken parlance, that a collective sigh will never be heard from this country again. Sigh. Tragedy's the only communal emotion, world-wide, for this vitriolic inhabited planet. Glory before power, aye yai yai. The world's only as corrupt as it thinks it has to be.
Eh? Yeah. An all-powerful Oz will deliver us from our shenanigans in triumph? Philippine tyrant-lite? Will Jared Kushner be lip-service-in-chief reformer of the Criminal Enterprise System? Or will getting along still mean the power of the state riding shotgun over our independence. Will the police be kept stuck-in-the-middle, still? Utilizing offense when citizens' lives are to be defended no matter how crazy we are.
I submit my case, your honor.
Generally people don't receive the same messages. Usually just opposite views. Such that it's betrayal to relate to others. Leaving everyone baffled by the convenience of literally everything's being framed. Beyond subjective, objective's myth. Imaginations closeted to protect the sanctity of certain frames of team mindedness. April 6, 2017, the U.S. Senate reached and passed a governance threshold. In the name of a claim to a purer righteousness that's only established as a foothold on self-righteousness. Ruthlessness' root.
Harda___s please rule responsibly, the unspoken, but humble, plea.
Why reform's taken so, really, many, long generations, centuries.
Everyone Has Real Choices? Soapbox View
* In Search of a Good Emperor by Ross Douthat, The New York Times