Updating you, especially anticipating, is a general principle. Meanwhile I got lucky from a Google email. Asking to verify verification info for soapbox. Since phone is gone I changed to email. You're so attached to your phone, while letting me look at you. Not that tiresome, though is of a general nuisance nature! You're much more beautiful to just picture behind glass. I forget nothing when it comes to you. Test me? You cut your hair yesterday.
Hadn't thought about even reporting phone loss to the police. Nuisance time wasting. Somewhere down the line I'm documented as just get him out of our jurisdiction as in Florida. New York City? Pockets of awareness that I'm chiseling at the roots of the corruption at capitalism's social roots. To better restart by unchanneling the aristocratic built-in superior ATTITUDE. Our Driven-in FAULT LINE. SCAPEGOATitis!
Anyway, seeing as how the safe spot for the couple hours of end of evening work into sleep, deteriorated efficiently as if time-tabled and described in a recent essay. Play It As It Lays as Joan Didion named a novel of hers.
After the phone was logically stolen yesterday. Unable to pay on the Hammer and Cycle website as I'm fund-less, depends on that Digital Department of the Australian National Library keeping their word maintaining the book in perpetuity.
Their dealmaker. I expected something and wanting the other woman protected let her card pay for soapbox. But like with Hammer that was reported paid, then weeks later VISA debit card stopped and hammer immediately rejected as defaulted. Her card could get hit, I won't know and defeated not letting people who destroyed me help me. Means no rope. Big money waiting game.
Fine and dandy, American public corralled in a disfunctional financial resolve to do little enough tabulating more money from ill will. Americans carved to steal from Americans and we claim to really be paying attention to paying ourselves correctly. Among the better union wages in the country, Big Oil's workers in the UAW. Their getting more is no different than Hollywood calculating box office prices ahead of inflation for years. Speculating on dissolving the penny means we paid ourselves no to care. But face that? Honesty doesn't pay enough. This woman clearly insists stop listening to fools.
Literary agents egos are something, huh Mr. Wylie? This onea Komanoff one puncher. Big start that Brown carving up the Christ story, should have been a key. But like that ego Judy Komanoff, pseudo-help and shallow face. Editor pointed out Reader's Notes were a good draft review and true. But owned enough by Murdoch to mean many things himself, it's truly disappointing to write actual hatred about someone I never met. But then it's best bicycle people who know they are a part of defeating me just ____ off!
IDIOT! Money for brains fires up nice. But my fault? You're proven a Robert Redford fake liberal. Komanoff's thing in your face too, you DICK!
Countless shallow stuff McGuigan's behind. I stopped looking. Wasn't just executives ruined books. ____ him. He even clicks like to progressive rock groups and we know how that test illustrates. Mike Hammer infiltrated my life to go to YES concerts. Ethicless. McGuigan ____ for brains, money talks.
Timing-wise, even though he left Wyatt's Russian mob funded company, I want him to talk bad about me. The little things I come across even in the depths of not noticed. Editors prickly their world needn't be driving toward anything other than reminding their self-importance. At the end that Gissen told GOD's sense of humor's up, giggling like he's a genius of Komanoff's strength. Money grabbers. NONE really involved in attempts as grand as The Hammer and Cycle Messenger Service. Thanks for little enough and reminding me as the Caros did. I did my work myself. Why Baderinwa can make me feel however till she wants me to go. She's using me to see what's next. Unlike the nuts before pretending they're tough stuff waiting for proof already proven making some people outright liars. Defriend McGuigan, your'e lucky I forget about you, you patron saint of rthje business prostrate before Bezos and executives of your gouge the client character I bet. I know nothing but uncovering how webbed together you shits are is a thrill. HEY PROGRESSIVE ROCK FANS! Peter McGuigan shills for Rupert Murdoch.
Patti Smith probably agrees. LYING to my face even in an email is just shallow you Literature degree for a dollar little help like all the business giving me the business. You work for the dildo up your Rob Wyatt WHORE butt, McGuigan!
Sorry. Michael Musto blocking my comments is one thing, but not like I'd have bothered more so that's ego on your part too MUSTO!But Literary backpatting McGuigan heroes? SCUMBAGS! Or not money, just idolized his own eyes like that pathetic Harvard contrived Komanoff. Bragged he's independent without conversation wondering about me. _hitheads.
Anyway, business requires, now nicer news.Tomorrow intend to attend
coffee for residents to more casually, than in a formal meeting, see who each other is. I talked around there enough to where I heard the caretaker say, "he doesn't shut up."
So I'm there to listen. Like everywhere authority for the purpose of authority. Just happened that I've gotten the hang of being an elder without the right to keep silent. That people undermined my life a very long time to decrease my credibility only increases the desire to unfold and go. My criticism isn't necessary anyway. Everyone's judged regardless. Pointing out not facing judgement is my crime? Technically lawyers will find the law against that. Or advise file briefs till briefly is long gone.
As readers who've bothered to understand, rather than get defensive, know, Mike Hammer yelling from New York, over the phone, that I should ask the church for help when homeless a month in LA is a hoot.
Then evolved back in New York to narrowed to 3 actual hours of work a day. Momentum be damned. But I learned as was started by the Caros and mag business woman Vonnegut ensured had a chance to clear up that Hammer spy business. I just thought he was naive about history. Idiot should have expressed he needed serious help for STUPID HEAD!
So cleared up, I went for it. All out Patrick Henry. I'm not scapegoating Sade, it's just I have a tendency to protect and to leave real things out is shielding you that's unnecessary when intelligent inquiry vital. Obviously partly why you're wanted in my life. The other reason is sometimes my heart feels like caked up mud or something missing you. Exaggeration? Wish. Muse of my perpetual dream ...
So the coffee is a block association that discusses and keeps track of neighborhood things. New York also has commercial block associations. Usually seen as underpaid in uniforms cleaning up a little debris. But no efficient citywide cleanup as other sophisticated countries have. We don't want to pay Saniutation Union wages to pick up the litter as is possible. We prefer this Giuliani magic of come here to go home ands say liberals can't fix New York.
The country bought into the idea making everything too expensive will solve some expense accounts. PHYSICIANS HEAL THYSELVES!
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