Handling This Dark Era of The Advanced Ages 1/1/2022

    The New Yorker ran the article, The Man Behind Critical Race Theory and posted it to Facebook themselves. I commented - Can't face the future without facing the past and facts.  - inciting 7 likes and 3 laughs.  
    _____ _______ responded - ok sure forever so people that did nothing should be blamed and finger pointed ha… 
    So I replied - And in being defensive, morality isn't defended. 
    So _____ _______ responded - nothing defensive … you treat people as they treat you and according to their character. Nothing wrong with learning the ugly parts of history … blaming for the past though does no good and will only incite racism. No one is born a persecutor or persecuted. That shouldn’t be taught.
    And I replied - Right. Hold tight to the whitewashing Coverup of American History. This don't blame us we're not responsible is just a veneer. What should be confronted here is centuries of mentalities that didn't respect the rights of all individuals. To now say facing that is persecution is denial. Deflected blame when this has nothing to do with blaming people personally. People grow up. That will happen sometime beyond these Dark Era of the Advanced Age.

Wear Masks, Please
Foolish To Feel We've Reached A Finish Line

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