Homelessness A Healthy Planet Never Afforded

    Basically New York City Real Estate and Government, both, luxuriated in increasing taxes and rents, continuously enough, to destroy bottom scale economics for the rest of us. Creating in New York City a much, much larger homeless infrastructure of incredible size. Probably over half could afford a room and board on the previous scales Social Security afforded. Period. Wrapped up.

    The fantasy inflation is solved by chasing money speculators are shriveling, in addition? Not only fantasy but of criminal intention when you mount on the callous treatment given people who're not fond of joining the Predator Homeless Housing Program. Children, Families and newly economically devastated left corralled. There are cage walls in those places. Feeling penned when money not well enough spent's been society's problem the whole time. 

    Descended from that foul school busing, ETCETERA, that didn't produce integration, but rather more gas guzzling from filling stations criminalized by not having electric access for generations. CORPORATIONS TURNED BACKS on what they claim to NOW face. LIARS! 

    When closer built schools would have solved the situation. But the gassed pockets of devious minds who'd destroyed train travel in this country and who knows what else next, rule!  

    Elitist trap that just moneymaking caused. Barbara Cochran of SHARK TANK? Up to her neck in co-responsibility for the habitual looking down on the poor when convenient. 

    To alter the ramifications of profit confusing proportion out of proportion, I suggest all the individuals in the NEW YORK REAL ESTATE Industry donate (FINANCE) as many buildings necessary with rooms for all the city's homeless. Not apartments YET. 

    These are people used to living confined. While, over time, with addresses and other amenities, the system will evolve a sense of encapsulating responsibility they, and the supposedly all together, have lost in the problem being this bad to begin with. 

    Our economy dominates from the top, for the top, slicing off the lowest class. And many feel that way right up through the middles. So free food is chased to gain on inflation, and what? People not in the circulation money game buying in stores is evidence working isn't paid attention to. Same basic reason confrontation never ends in the WAR-TORN Zone of Religious Feuding - MIDDLE EAST! The Elites of All Religious Faiths play moneybag everywhere but where their feud calls home!

    Solar panel the Sahara and electrify both Europe and Africa and have finance mean more than the best tables at Back-Patting charity events. 

    Free Food in the buildings could evolve into their own ground floor restaurants. Creating profit ON THE LABOR. Donate that way by eating out because what's produced in the investments in restaurants is given back every day! We know how to fix the world. JUST NEED TO START!

    CORRUPTION BITES IN THE _SS AND IT'S NOT FELT? That's lying to ourselves that that moron even deserves a voice. - - - BIBI The Idiot is in POWER, most likely, because the DUMP idiot had his son-in-law mischievously playing over there!  - - - Embezzling Bibis have been around the World's Political Idolatry Scene of Armies Fed First Food Banks trapping Chinese, Russians and Americans and endless associations of nations and grievances tugging to win wars that should have ALL ended in the first places. They could loan each other enough weapons to destroy the world, while begging more United States money to fund the destruction of the collateral damaging world! --- WAR PIGS!

Generals gathered in their masses

Just like witches at black masses

Evil minds that plot destruction

Sorcerer of death's construction

In the fields, the bodies burning

As the war machine keeps turning

Death and hatred to mankind

Poisoning their brainwashed minds … blame-scapegoat-elitism's-disease

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