Senate Responsible For Not Reversing United States Senate IMPEACHMENT Verdict

Sunday June 11, 2023, Full Exposure. Essay started while watching This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Fox's pomp and circumstance couldn't raise interest. 

    So watching I'd come to this conclusion, Donna Brasile nutshell delineated. How the Republican Spokesperson Pattern's not changed FOR GENERATIONS. Contesting because contesting's good, resulting in fine expense accounts. No, Ms. Brazile didn't say it that way. Al Gore's Campaign Manager she walks a fine political line and bluntly put, Lee Zelden, New York Republican AND Strom Thurmond Jr. seat holder. Ya'll are still exposed generationally later as just playing around.

    AND HOW DO YOU HAVE A SUNDAY NEWS SHOW without the newly announced CORNEL WEST FOR PRESIDENT? You're limited by how hard America buys itself off not to try.

    What America sells itself, all-over-place, is we believe we believe the Hawks of bitter insolence behind the Dumpster will betray those of us that aren't their real friends. The logic of creating enemies for having wars against. The pure pettiness the DUMPSTER stands for, America either absorbs or withers from under our own dead weight.  

    To repeat so it's understood I mean it. Donna Brasile nutshelled the entire THIS WEEK show's exposure of the defenses against all the Dumpster's self-inflicted charges. Come on? Stormy Daniels? Billboard for hire? Next case for diversionary tactic, AMERICA? Basis for GREAT CAREER? America?

    Ayn Rand probably mailed the whole whole stormy bimbodian stigma of look how indifferent a political image can be? All while she herself was writing film treatments, on the lam, for C. B. DeMille. Why I read some of The Fountainhead on that man's tomb because too much self-reward was accomplished on behalf of destroying regular people's dreams if they got in the way of the impossible cattle call scheme

    Pointing out basically this is the same stretching of the public forum that's been happening before Lee Zeldin, Republican of New York and living Strom Thurmond emblem Lindsey Graham of South Carolina portrayed their portions of the scheme. Where a Black Man of South Carolina fits on the board is now among the checkers pushing for garnered space. 

    All pawns, nothing changes. Some move like knights but in the end the manipulations have been written out in song from time immemorial. Power can't help believing getting away with wrong deeds has to be made to feel right. 

    Let's honor our Nations' Original Founders, our Indigenous first settlers who'd probably agree. Mar-a-Lago is already well enough built. U. S. Senate, your turn to turn the key and see what the Supreme Court believes is their proper destiny? Chief Justice Roberts?

Lindsey Graham wins Strom Thurmond seat

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