Tear That Name Down

Time To Tear That Name Down

Why Would I Bother Calling Lawyers?

    Imagine the surprise, when pleasantly confronted, of someone smiling to themselves that Ron Kuby and I, in an elevator, wouldn't be something significant? Even about how he took charge at the downstairs front door. "We both have a lot of work to do." 

    Somehow a Cornell Law School graduate with an obligation to tell Cornell I'm being an idiot, is just something to smile about as he did in the elevator. Even that someone significant came to Saturday Yoga and attended my The Great Hall of Cooper Union event with her sister. Right, Cornell University watches disappearing acts. 

    Even exclaimed, "haven't you read anything I wrote?" What I've publicly exposed to at least near a thousand people a day, nearly a month, is why I put lives in jeopardy. I was in front of the Dumpster Tower and not even police approached me. Even the tourists asking were probably wanting to know how I could be left let to just stand there, by the empty NYPD vehicle? Imagining a future without that GOD damned scheme ruining Mother Earth

    Marketing keeps using us to uselessly, in conjunction with THE CARNEGIE CORPORATION of the World, destroy what's inside Mother Earth.


    I don't even want to risk my enemies lives? RUTHLESS PEOPLE I've thoroughly exposed. You don't realize how much I confront things publicly. (Destroying the world in to Big Business it's crucially undeveloped minds nourishing themselves victimizing anyone in pursuit of their own glory. Don't believe it? Mocking global warming for generations is history

    Hey. Lawyer would tell me not to talk to someone from the National Enquirer. Idiots. And even you, Mr. Kuby, haven't talked to me since. Sue me, myself and I. ANYONE !!!

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