With the new law, in place since Friday, increasing fines for unauthorized protest, Reuters and The New York Times report investigators stormed the homes (apartments), and confiscated possessions of at least ten prominent protestors including Aleksey Navalny, Sergei Udaltsov, Ilya Yashin and Kseniya Sobchak.
Dissuading the public from attending Tuesday’s government reform protest seems to be the reason behind the intimidating searches, while requiring the searched to report for further questioning will keep them from personally attending Tuesday’s rally as well. It’s assumed though that the government’s escalating intolerance might have the presumably unintended effect of prompting even more citizens to attend the rally than expected. But also possible that violence associated with recent protests could be more easily blamed on a less organized crowd, though so far the repressive police seem at least as responsible for their own aggressive tactics that have fallen far short of responsibly acting as society’s referees.
However holding President Putin completely responsible for a division of government performing strongly on his behalf will hardly change attitudes. Even in the world’s most tolerant societies complete acceptance of anti-establishment sentiment does not exist. But a return to the previous lip-service tolerance of protest would be a step forward that the president does owe the country for the confidence shown in him by his winning the recent election. A job that would seem to require encouraging the country to try to be polite with each other rather than focus on their differences coming between the people.
Too-Big-To-Fail Kremlin Intolerantly Turns Up Heat On Eve Of PEACEFUL PROTEST
6/11/2012 concluded: However holding President Putin completely responsible for a division of government performing strongly on his behalf will hardly change attitudes. Even in the world’s most tolerant societies complete acceptance of anti-establishment sentiment does not exist. But a return to the previous lip-service tolerance of protest would be a step forward that the president does owe the country for the confidence shown in him by his winning the recent election. A job that would seem to require encouraging the country to try to be polite with each other rather than focus on their differences coming between the people.
June 27 - July 18, 2016
"Polite with each other rather than focus on their differences coming between the people." Vague and corny. If only the politics of fomenting discord were just vague and corny. Civilians might be as cozily copacetic as we're sold to be?
Police are supposed to be referees. Acting on behalf of an objective aspiring court. The fact the art of Public Relations has made defiant forms of expression the enemy of happily going along with entrenched statehood in our own obsessively patriotic ways means money talks. Don't walk.
So here we are, where the way in's the way out.
American Penal Reform Is The Only Way To Get The Rest of the World To Give A Rat's A__.
Once again, sadly, we are experiencing more worst days in American History. Because people are shot every day. Of course hearing both sides, the militarization of the American Police is a miconstrued reality the police aren't responsible for. Though the motives that cause undue force all seem to revolve around defending morality immorally, when the very people trusted with access to the best defenses available regard resorting to lethal offense as a warranted defense. I have to read about how officers never expected of such atrocities, defend them because it's really team politics in this us vs. them creation, the Criminal Enterprise System. Right, people shouldn't be irresponsible. As bad as Hitler if, in honoring Anslinger's memory, the whole country's doomed.
Of late I've become addicted to watching the television Police Drama Blue Bloods, as opposed to my previously avoiding supporting the show's star Tom Selleck whose propped up status with Conservatives was accomplished by claiming to stand against Hollywood liberalism when actual people all feel this contrived dog-and-pony show is nonsense. Team Spirit people've fallen in behind, where now a presidential candidate announces that Newt Gingrich* will be a part of the future government as a standard of credibility. The grin so we bear it political hard-edgedness, basically, descends from history's evolution as organized leech. The Criminal Enterprise System is, like inflation, never beaten so they must be solved.
Best bet yet.
Opportunistically lining up at thoroughly stocked, Lake Opportunity? The New York Times published this linked conservative broadside, implying the country's not academically centrist enough because leftists dominate New England's universities. Imagine John Lennon singing The New York Times sees becoming The Wall Street Journal Lite as their economic salvation? Redundantly representing Americanism's same old narrowed possibilities. Rhyming with history. Great. Our minds are owned or don't exist forever more. Amen. Fabulous.
The dog and pony political show has led to half the country, still, carrying the siren-called tune, by, among others, scruple-less Roy Cohn. Mr. Cohn, who when it came to bringing down innocent people is an historical fact no matter what your slant.
Pedestals have been, pretty much, raised to successful reiterations of authoritarian Stalinism. Where shaded truth's really lying, and acceptable. Because power's all that matters, though what's right isn't wrong. And slapping the Constitution to the chest so the document's intent to change humanity's militarization isn't even read? The police shouldn't be victims. They're supposed to be referees. Where's the intent to End the Criminal Enterprise System?
Pedestals have been, pretty much, raised to successful reiterations of authoritarian Stalinism. Where shaded truth's really lying, and acceptable. Because power's all that matters, though what's right isn't wrong. And slapping the Constitution to the chest so the document's intent to change humanity's militarization isn't even read? The police shouldn't be victims. They're supposed to be referees. Where's the intent to End the Criminal Enterprise System?
So Blue Bloods timely(?) celebrates alcohol's responsible use as if it were the superior instinctual cultural tradition. A civilized ritual. But without facing society's stimulant ills nearly enough. The drug war was begun by opportunists on many levels of governments' ruling apparatuses. Hasn't this grudge-filled world's militarized enforcement done enough? Shared responsibility for corrupting enough souls? Babies aren't born to be criminals. The temptations themselves are of our devising and government should really do something about mellowing all this nonsense down. From the violent confusion to entrenched rhetoric. Until warped reasonings have grown to understand, one thing's for sure, no matter how polished the power point display. Humans created a monster. God/Allah is not responsible for our mistakes. Worship is appreciating the opportunity. And look how much humanity got pretending to be supreme?
So Blue Bloods is just television. Not a Barney Miller and especially no Mayberry, of course. But the show's in the lineage of expressing what police go through. Congress, you should look into that? Rather than becoming forced to see whether an idea can afford your expensive point-of-view.
So Blue Bloods is tuned into New York City Police Commissioner Bratton's doubting that the glorification of Harry Anslinger's legacy, extending the Criminal Enterprise System, was an, unnecessarily destructive, undermining of America's core. No. Morality's heads shake. Governors Scapegoat of New York and New Jersey maintain the stage where the world's capital's comically under siege to the immorality of morality's brutality born of a façade. Their three shaken heads blaming a drug culture that, with all its' faults, ethically grew from understanding the criminalization of America really is elicit exploitation. And power accomplishes what it can. Drink to that, Mr. Selleck?
Sorry. Condolences can't begin to express my regret bad things happen.
So. Blue Bloods is finely produced. But where are ideas for stimulating the laying down of the world's militarized societies? Right. It's not the guns. It's all the people. Where's ideas restructuring the public's badly misconstrued publicity face? Instead of answering the confusion, a form of authoritarianism has us skewered by the Criminal Enterprise System. Idiots excusing revenge. Wonder how many presidential candidates would at least understand both of those concepts?
Dallas. ... . That the modern era's violence and revenge is an answer is on George W. Bush's shoulders and not just the delusional erratics people've even been preached into believing. Mr. Bush made a public statement about his and Laura's sympathies for the shooting victims in Dallas, when only the utterly fooled would perpetuate infinite martyrdom. A smirk, grin and straight tie, plus platitudes, are impersonations of shame? A lot more needs renovation than the Military Industrial Complexes. Who'll afford the logarithm? Because our world's beyond compromise compromising us? Settled in ruled so completely, obedience is reverent awe?
From Dallas, tragedy's visibly seeded into martyrdom's fabric. Now. Which religion teaches against that? Or have all been so distorted, and disgraced, that it's no wonder God/Allah's above us all. I'm not particularly fond of the contrived violence here either.
------------- LITERARY ENDORSEMENT -------------
February 1980 I shook Dick Gregory's hand thanks to Reverend Ralph Abernathy's shaking mine the year before after Reverend Abernathy spoke @ the University of Central Florida's Black History Month. After my former PE instructor, and 7th grade basketball Coach Oscar Willis, who was then Vice-Principal of Orlando's Jones High School, must have made some remark to Reverend Abernathy after his speech because I'd overheard their talking, when Reverend Abernathy arrived, and that they'd worked together in St. Augustine back in the day.
Leaving Reverend Abernathy walked into my aisle to address overly shy me. If only all the world's contests were decided by who's the nicer person?
Leaving Reverend Abernathy walked into my aisle to address overly shy me. If only all the world's contests were decided by who's the nicer person?
So. There I was, year later, in the Engineering Building's large auditorium. Where I sat in the middle that must often feel like the podium's aimed right at you. Because I can't recall ever situating myself in that particular type of seat again. Anyway. I remember wondering why Mr. Gregory's speech wasn't funnier. Or maybe it's just the seriousness overwhelms memory?
Anyway. Mr. Gregory indicts the next generation for amusing themselves with drugs and not putting their shoulders to the grindstone to fulfill humanity's better destiny. While above-the-sinner self-righteousness is still a problem too. But Mr. Gregory does never lose focus on humanity's need to grow up. Not his fault good pot couldn't circulate in the ghetto. Spawning the more disastrous chemical results of the drug culture.
So. Shyer than even now. I'd made the commitment to shaking the writer of those books' hand. The hall's clearing and I'm just more nervous. Standing at my seat, watching Mr. Gregory sitting on a chair arm facing the young black man facing him. Finally I walked to the end of my aisle, shaking inside. Then over behind where he sat. And after my standing there, up to a good 30 seconds, he gave that sideways glance that meant: what the heck do you want. The next beat I grabbed his hand, he didn't offer, and shook it and at no time have I ever shook a hand as limp and said, "thank you very much" and left. One supposes with Mr. Gregory's thinking I didn't show much capability to do anything. (Took some time.) Some people have sacrificed so much for the world, that the people, left here now, have no business thinking they'll ever sacrifice as much. As Mr. Gregory might say, we're still just an across-the-board spoiled generation.
Anyway. Mr. Gregory indicts the next generation for amusing themselves with drugs and not putting their shoulders to the grindstone to fulfill humanity's better destiny. While above-the-sinner self-righteousness is still a problem too. But Mr. Gregory does never lose focus on humanity's need to grow up. Not his fault good pot couldn't circulate in the ghetto. Spawning the more disastrous chemical results of the drug culture.
So. Shyer than even now. I'd made the commitment to shaking the writer of those books' hand. The hall's clearing and I'm just more nervous. Standing at my seat, watching Mr. Gregory sitting on a chair arm facing the young black man facing him. Finally I walked to the end of my aisle, shaking inside. Then over behind where he sat. And after my standing there, up to a good 30 seconds, he gave that sideways glance that meant: what the heck do you want. The next beat I grabbed his hand, he didn't offer, and shook it and at no time have I ever shook a hand as limp and said, "thank you very much" and left. One supposes with Mr. Gregory's thinking I didn't show much capability to do anything. (Took some time.) Some people have sacrificed so much for the world, that the people, left here now, have no business thinking they'll ever sacrifice as much. As Mr. Gregory might say, we're still just an across-the-board spoiled generation.
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Joe Morton as Dick Gregory
The Long GrudgeWhite Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide by Carol Anderson ![]() |
Tougher solves the terrorist crisis when its' exacerbation was the cause? The innocent dying is on everyone's shoulders. Moral enforcement is not a plan. From Charlie Rose's coverage of militaristic progress to the delusional giddiness of moral superiority that's just rationalization for Allah/God's gift of independence squandered on human greed. While a burnt Bush sleeps undisturbed. Shame. There's so much that should have to be faced.
Historians on Donald Trump - The New York Times Counters
Well. Yes. I know. Academics call on the nation to see the underpinnings of power all the time. But still the result of a framework of alliances where this side is this and that is that and everything's overlooked to patriotically hang behind bs art. ... .
Sarcastically Acceptable = Car (mobile throne) Apologists
* Two decades ago, on television I sat through the entire Newt Gingrich American History course, just to know, and felt as lectured at as having given Sean Hannity 3 hours a day, five days a week, for a year, five years later. And in case anyone's miraculously wondering, yes, I've been criticized for not writing liberal enough. Because unless jargon's recited, you're no team player, and hence can't fulfill the real purposes of a team. Hence2, soapbox. I could deride President Obama's legacy for having "saved the automotive industry" and remaining as indecisive about a transportation system as his excuse spewing, White House, laurel-sitting, forebears. Or, if you'd prefer I could spew about how Bill Clinton sycophantically coat-tailed the criminalization of more of America for contrived political purposes. Proving Jesus' hopeful quotation, for us, from the cross. "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
Time To End Criminalized America
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