Our evermore increasingly intriguing world takes for granted that everything seems within our grasp now for just a few dollars more. So much code is already installed in our computers, that using them on a user-friendly basis, even the most naive are capable of outstanding accomplishments. As NPR’s Stan Alcorn reported, “what professionals use is now affordable for amateurs.” For a relatively small amount of money we’re all in one way or another functioning in a worldNASA used to spend billions on for a few to participate in while we watched.
And Maker Faire, hosted this past weekend by the New York Hall of Science in Queens, is all about how no one has to be satisfied watching anymore. Whatever can be manufactured within reason, and who could really know that limit, can be done all by ourselves if we only learn to teach ourselves how.
I’ve been told exhibitors at trade shows really enjoy sharing what they sell. But Maker Faire turns that up a notch as their hearts are in relaying what you can create on your own. Harkening back to Aldous Huxley’s warning in his novel Brave New World that if we allow everything to be provided for us we’ll no longer have our own lives. Yet Maker Faire is not so ominous. Their message is how fun making things is that Business Insider shows in a photo montage.
Sherry Huss and Dale Dougherty and Mayor Bloomberg’s Maker Week Proclamation that was apparently sincerely written by the mayor himself. |
policymic.com provides an extensive review of the event.
And finally how curious are you about 3D Printing? Phenomenal to watch what only a short time ago was just imagination.
The Queens Crew |
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