Friday, April 12, 2013

What Appears to be Politics is, after all, Just The Politics Of Appearance?

British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, 1979-1990rode a logical political wave that changed the confiscatory capitalization of socialism that gripped Great Britain. Doesn't take a fool to see The Beatles paying taxes somewhere else is a problem.

Her death drew depictions of her as an innovative personality from the major news sourcesand she was most certainly a major figure-head. But its sound to question mass-marketed points-of-view.
Where the convenient message shields the abstractions from scrutiny. 

Or Change Masks?
No duh, taking from the rich to give to the poor was fictional fantasy. Too bad financial circulation, Ms. Thatcher helped release, is tied-up in astronomical operating costs that preclude a more complete circulation British Socialists might have had in mind. In our age it's hard imagining a better world is where the state is ingrained in your life. But its worth remembering something had to be done and social advancement spurred capitalism on. 
Times change but not how cultural memory is manipulated. 


Is it possible Kim Jong-un doesn't understand the 

The syncopated chant of democracy, set on continual chime, may be why North Korea is confused anyone should even care to attack them. Certainly, except for swagger, on the surface, Kim Jong-un isn't a mad idiot and held hostage to their elite cluelessness how to honorably prosper outside state capitalism. 
The Daily Squib
The Google guy and Dennis Rodman were floated as olive branches and somehow, some way, the North Korean Military Industrial Complex has to understand what they've seen. Or after grand-dad's birthday celebration still won't really be time to let the Bamboo Curtain rise? 
A while back, you know, last Spring/Summer when Kim Jung-un just came into his own, some hope was put into this idea that he was exclusively schooled in Switzerland. Apparently elitism isn't the problem? 

Maggie, as I had never referred to her, in part staked her flag-waving credentials on refusing to let a military regime take the Malvinas Islands. So maybe what Kim has learned is the importance of militarized nationalism conveys token justification for treating public diplomacy as if it were the chest-thumping of professional wrestling.  



Last Sunday's Meet The Press featured MSNBC's Jim Cramer, of Mad Moneysmiling the advice 60,000 pipeline jobs for $60,000 a year would heal big business' momentum so America's smaller fry might thereby get better slices of the pie. Courageous call, huh? Mr. Cramer said depend on big business. When after over forty years of solar panels and the investment community complaint is there's not enough money in it, we're either corrupt or lacking financial imagination and most probably both. Money shouldn't disappear so buying Arab oil shouldn't matter. But since, of course, money rules its best we muck up the country-side for financial leverage when we're really supposed to already be too smart for this world's current levels of pollution. No?
They accomplished more than just a contribution to the expansion of the Charitable Industrial Complex? 
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360° Google Map viewed the home I was raised in. The tip of the desegregation monument is lower left. I recognize all the trees. Even those, still sorely missed, that once lined the avenue, like a canopy, until destroyed for the widened highway in the mid-1960s. I am ever so grateful to see these trees preserved.