Ron De Santis chip off the Chump Dump Block and all. Ya'd think finding, and having, an American coherence around rationality would be relatively easy. Considering Halloween, the night honoring goblins and none such, over. NOW rational business, Sade ... 😏 NOW NOW RIGHT NOW!
I contend this film is a Patrick Henry Voice, mine, denied MORE FREE SPACE within the Aristocratic Auto-Bodied Useless, on-off, tick-tocking, social media ramped, Facebook/Twitter-ized America in FULL and COMPLETE denial of our very own Authentic Real Beauties!

Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society Cripples America
It was designed by people who disdained everyday Americans and were determined to fundamentally change America.
President NETANYAHU is an A 1 Certified Screw Loose FACADE of Falsified Pride! BOTH SIDES need each other to finance lives behind hatred. All IN ON IT! GOD never condones war. Iran is not sponsoring HAMAS to win. Just keep idiot looking stupid in power. People are killed? Idiots like Netanyahu don’t give a __it! By not honoring Palestine? The whole concept, or idea, or whatever, that can be called humanity fighting over territorialism is not what one, any, or ALL RELIGIONS supposedly, theoretically, teach! What's the scapegoat? WAR satisfies the eternal urge to play god? Churn out dividends for suppliers and checkerboard players. That GOD damns idiots, fools and or anything, anywhere, likewise else. Sean and Newt? You're connected that stupid. PERIOD. LOCK ME UP! ...
So it is NOW my honor to be writing from the underground Columbus Circle Subway Station, of-all-places, Ms. Baderinwa ... 😱
And why is a confluence of both subtle and exaggerated incidents evolving from studying microcosms of the National Transportation(s) System(s) 💘 placing me here? I slept over 4 hours a block away and missed watching you leave your set after 11:30. I'd cry if you stepped on a sidewalk crack. I've lost it.
Well. Electricity to function as a mobile office, that AMTRAK advertising inspired? Left the catchphrase "a lot to be desired" a hole right through which the center of the entire freaking planet EARTH is transparently vacuously ethic-less. We're dropping through Bill Gates' atmosphere of financed mediocrity illusionists rule?
Really? Millions in new software Americans experimenting improved for IBM's brainchild Billy who was programmed with some clues keeping computing leveraged for the advantage of the top and not all America as the CONSTITUTION tried establishing that the selfish decide reads freedom top cover up. Nixon honest? His conspiraxcy ate the country for dessert for generations. George W. and Cheney are qualified revenge against Muslims? MUSLIMS are not even qualified revenge against MUSLIMS and it's obvious to how those territorial grudges are absurd abstractions of the ramifications of what bad American actors got away with. With stupid elitism all over thew world. Competition isn't the enemy. Controlling it and making it worthless is. All that back slapping Republicanism? Halloween is to good for that condemned deviltry.
On a daily basis Americans relearn adaptation to nonsense. Hardly AMTRAK's fault wedged where they are, standing up for something on a supposedly honest level when the complete country, on a wholesale-wide basis doesn't face mistakes like the Dump Stump.
It is criminal generations later for filling stations to not have electricity for cars. Charge five minutes. Charge again, we'd have evolved long past the oil industry money NOT solar panelling the Sahara and supplying Europe and AFRICA with electricity. Oil? We're frying in it and spilling it in the oceans that are our wildlife of gold we eat and destroy catching so much our waste damned obviously SINFUL.
I am illustrating how people treated like yo-yos is not capitalism or socialism. But success clearly used against us. Spilling oil in oceans of food, delivered from plantations owned by ELITES is Aristocracy Capitalism, that was the Confederate States and as wrong then as NOW!
Standing out of course, was Baltimore. Where I endured the indignities of the overstuffed figure it out for yourself unconsumer ease with which people are drawn to the sales pitchers - to get away from the onslaught of gibberish caused when people fed up with each other. The best trained to fix the circuitous meticulous internet of diasporatic messes, are/were those involved over-priced out to bring in the the naive enough to allow the staggering onslaught to continue. Google Maps confusion? There's a public option provided to fix that for free for them or us? We let confusion rule and call it money when honey, we're just confused as The Gays would say ...
Sade I love you comes up so often because how I feel about you is not a confusion for me. Though I don't celebrate Halloween and I was stunned how the neighborhood makes it a real carnival for the kids. How it should be. Not the darkness across America where people hid from our indifferences.
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President NETANYAHU is an A 1 Certified Screw Loose FACADE of Falsified Pride! BOTH SIDES need each other to finance lives behind hatred. All IN ON IT! GOD never condones war. Iran is not sponsoring HAMAS to win. Just keep idiot looking stupid in power. People are killed? Idiots like Netanyahu don’t give a __it! By not honoring Palestine, the whole concept, or idea, or whatever, it can be called of humanity is not what one RELIGION supposedly, theoretically, teaches. What's the scapegoat? WAR satisfies the eternal urge to play god? That GOD damns idiots, fools and or anything likewise else. PERIOD. ...
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