President Biden Announces in Wilmington, BILLIONS For Northeast Transit Upgrade - Topping Generations of National Neglected Decay

 oh boy from Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Fixing America, That Started Before The Revolution, Needs Actual Effectiveness NOW

My favorite late afternoon thing to do is write, in the grass, with the Geese in the Joe Biden Wilmington Riverside Park. 
    One parking lot construction underway, when I visited last month. Wilmington as with Baltimore and Washington D. C. are all redesigned to no longer position train stations as central to community and just way stations to the thoroughfare destroying the world's sources of all substances. Carving up the Earth for profit is institutionally how our country's strengths have been undermined in idolizing not just the car but ourselves. 
    Baltimore where industry took off and the sails were made that developed America great. Ended up with Mr. DiMartini, a sail sewer, sewing the first of the modern era's bicycle messenger bags. 

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