It was designed by people who disdained everyday Americans and were determined to fundamentally change America.
President NETANYAHU is an A-1 Certified Screw Loose FACADE of Falsified Pride! BOTH SIDES need each other to finance lives shielding hatred. All IN ON IT! GOD never condones war. Iran is not sponsoring HAMAS to win. Just keep dynamically opposed in Power Money's flow. People are killed? Netanyahu doesn’t care! Escalate. Everyone likes taking their hobbies to heights. Fishermen absorbed by the contest, go to the mountains.
By not facing Palestine? The whole concept, or idea, or whatever, is humanity fighting over territorialism blaming RELIGION. GOD's the scapegoat? WAR satisfies an urge to be gods. Sean and Newt, Rupert, etc? Ethicless Braggarts.
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