Saturday, July 13, 2024

Apropos Never Works Saturday Celebrity NYC NewsReader, Highlights His Stars American Public Deception Alignments. Again and Again, ad nauseam.

    Among the noticeable about Saturday's Celebrity Roast/ Assassination Attempt - Donald Dumpster Episode, besides a perfect shot planting a recognizable facial smear (1 killed, 2 critically injured), is the eventual oh I DUMP should drop behind my, abuse of America's colors, sign. 

    As if the thought is Cristina of Argentina's hit on herself was diagrammed well enough. Sense of surprise though, that his handlers organized the hit. Oh yeah, alive means his team protects him still till no longer usable at all. Way Secret Police State Societies work, throughout their hidden capitals of the world. Shooter conveniently killed, when otherwise Racists live while the Black Men, by tradition, are perpetually cut down. 

    Hey Mutilated Brain Bill.

    Fort ABC finally a face they'd not figured on needing hidden more than already achieved. Their Glass Wall tumbled on them and they believed resilience was theirs, as formidable financial giants up against NO MONEY that still beats NO INTEGRITY AT ALL. Hands down. 👎👎👎

    The Bulwark being NO REAL POLITICAL DIALOGUE all over their aspiration-ally inefficient mismanaged world. Mad King George Bush I & II, just tools to confuse Americans to own GAS GUZZLING CARS long past when WEATHER shows GAS ALREADY DESTROYED THE WORLD

    Thanks to Owned by GAS FOOLS like Ritter, who is documented lauding GAS for not letting our economies collapse. That much a liar, perpetually throwing that face of concern around. OJ proudly peeing on Ritter's notoriously laughing, thoroughly, vacuumed soul. Incoherent bugger Bill.  

    As with ABC-TV NETWORK and Bill Ritter retreading accusations Mike Hammer's The National Enquirer failed to destroy me with in 1978, 1982 and now 2023 & 2024. Lies pay their bills however they don't work. As the BIBLE says wrong people will continue covering up their wrong doing wrong. ABC-TV and Bill Ritter never care they're condemned bringing down any good people in ABC with them. To Bill's for the Perpetual Orgy Festival among spirits that can never find a conscience earned rest. As we all design our own souls all ourselves. No one's condemned for actual confusion as GOD knows everything. But being what ABC and Bill Ritter deny they've been? Pure NAZI conceit.

    ABC likes accusing without explaining? Then they're just Mediocrity Statues to Bill's thinking he's superior ever meant jack_hit.

    Both have no legitimate reason to target me other than ABC and Bill Ritter are proud LAW & ORDER producer Dick Wolf thoroughly hates their guts too. YES, I am surrounded. 

    Burying me under Cornell's Founders Wall, real loser move ABC by following that NAZI _SS Ritter.
    Everything the public is fed is reduced by Male Figurehead NewsReader plastered faces across the country's screens. Care of the friends associated with the KENNEDYS KILLERS LEGACY. Condemned by me personally for Guy Babylon's Assassination

    You Honky Cracker Elitists snuggled up in the crevices of the Great Crack NAZI _SS Bill the Shill and Donald Dump. Screw you Hugh-Jeff, King of all NETWORK Security as the face of blame anyone but yourselves. Personally , keep your soul on fire on the end of the needle you're lodged to now on the soul of the Left Hand of GOD. Claimed Christianity in my face, enough of you to recognize willing to outright LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING. No retirement, nothing. _hit for brains white black man

    Just a business as usual thing, spotting the NAZI Network Security at the Times Square Studio. The one Little Adolph brought up here to personally see, grinned while showing me to cohorts, while real NYPD, I report to, watched. Condemned for your TV NETWORK NewsReader. Just pure 100% War'sEasyMoney/NAZI/Bush-CIA/Big-Oil/World Spy Society. 

    Plenty of grief all around financed by ruining the world for profit. Hidden behind faces as tortuously manipulative and manipulated as the perpetually stupid ones in my face. Pathetically representative of elitist White Racism. Black Boys paid to do so, proudly up NAZI _SS as they've been told. I'm embarrassed for them is as far as they get without anything conscience oriented on their own. 

     But THEY'LL (Ritter Schemers) shame himself claiming whatever. All a con that I'm derided and Hated by Real Black People Everywhere. Boy-Hugh, you're atop a pile of it and idiot not recognizing you lost thinking you're facing me at all. Crying in your own excrement loving Bill Ritter. That's all any of you False Idolizers get. WALT DISNEY'S REVENGE, none of you gave a crap about the LEGACY and were all in it for the money. Abigail Disney is BOB IGER'S little Publicity WHORE. Disney employees are paid well enough by Florida standards, you WITCH living off sliced money and thinking your knowledge beats anything. Not your fault your hiding enables inflation to destroy the economy, finally. You all get choice seats in the New York Mets dugout where money shriveled from the New York Economy is done with pride. Their burdens never faced, the lawyer owning tyrants of Wall Street. Donald Dumps Light!

 You're an ally of the Worst WALL STREET WHORES, and GOD doesn't give a damn you never face yourselves. GOD DAMNED SELF WORSHIPPED TITANS of MONEY. Warren Buffett's shame his money's proven worthless to the world's future. ALL condemned in Bill Ritter Networked Elitist Managed Vanity.  

    To hell with me, right. ...

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