Monday, July 15, 2024

SADE Always Missed. MEANWHILE: My Patience For SPY KILLER LEGACIES Was Crucified When JFK Jr. Saluted and I Promised, Him and His Sister, I'd Solve This.

    Uh huh. Taunted, still, within feet by a Bush/CIA/OIL-War Etcetera Ritter "Billboard" Knight. Giggles diversionarily, while faced as a Manipulate History Killing People Representative. Corporate Facelessness under Spy Society Guidance. Picked on me, my whole life, not wanting my work broadly disseminated.
    How you get Newsreaders enjoying playing up a Donald Dump hit as genuine American Presidential History. He's a criminal. For any reason, it's a tainted mob hit. Dumpster's so full of corruption, Feds let me see them inside Dump Tower going back near 40 years. Donald Dump's a criminal and BILL RITTER hides me, so Mediocrity keeps not facing how really mediocre being outright killers is. 
    Because there's no ethical reason Sade and I can't talk, other than BILL RITTER is wrong. No matter what checker moves she had to do to maintain poor Bill's balance on JUST LIES. All BILL RITTER represents is Monopolist Manipulators manipulating "Advertising Legend" JK Fraser's Historical Nephew - me
    Historical? Because BILL RITTER keeping me from Sade, has, Contemporary History-wise buried me under Founders Wall, Cornell University, no less. Gee-eez. I'd aimed somewhat lower, thinking I was providing people clues. I'm over, whenever martyred proper is best. Cornell students laugh, imagining my jumping off Founders Wall and I'm afraid of heights. Oy vey. Thud. Sade, see you Paradise ...
    Ms. Baderinwa with hero Norman Lear, I was able to smile with too. Excellent.
    So the 
Guy Babylon Killer Entrenched Shadow Member, mentioned above, refuses to face Whoopi Goldberg Security around the block. Laughs, and must wonder who's protecting him now. Cause all Bill Ritter's face really has is concern and delight with itself. Watch it. That lying face is a hoot. I can't take it anymore. His evil eyes just act out righteous anger. Enough to mean he's involved. Clueless Charlatan, but involved. 
    All I have left is revenge. Everyone Guy ever met appreciated him. You BILL RITTER Dirigible Heads. NAZIS! Go ahead, win. Herald yourself my vanquisher, Ichabod Bill News is Just Hype Idiot Ritter. Just a checker among other toys, war boys play with inebriated on gas that ruined the world we need reversed. Whoopie! Whoopi Goldberg especially hates you CIA/NAZI REMNANTS etc. too. Damn me!
Original Version and Very Good Rendition + Tuli Story.
    I'm 67 and not even CIA wants credit for BILL RITTER, just a face for ABC to be subservient to who exactly? Money to dissolve NEWS QUALITY, sure. I've described that. That's it? Chop money and get angry the celebrities don't fit what's wanted swayed. Free Speech Was Not Gas Bought Off America, folks. Overuse of gas has already upset weather patterns increasingly worse cause Gas had a gas. Pathetic to idolize. NASCAR, not a conscience one?
    So I'm fully written up and done. Destitute, just waiting to perish because I don't care without Sade. I like it. I wrote up the corruption and fell in love and knowing the truth of that is worth walking, or riding, away from this poverty of intelligence on New York's Upper West Side. 
    Hessian Mercenary for Big OIL Spy United. Fractured off from the basic BUSH-CIA spawning, that then contended with the California Military Complex and how Ritter was probably hatched. Ritter does have that genuine getting away with lying, Monica Lewinsky look about his degenerate self. 
    Yes, Rich California gave us the idiot Reagan and Nancy yelled, "They shot my husband" when the Oil Magistrates wanted their Gizmo Bush I faster. Or sans risky election. As demonstrated when BUSH LOST lost 1992. Leading to the MONSTER 2000 Election Night Face of Mad King George Bush I saying, "hold on." I even slammed the floor screaming, "this is cursed," before he said that.
    The Lords of GAS had/have no intention of giving up gas guzzling. No electric wherever GAS sold means they're not admitting ruining the world. PERIOD.
    While Jr., Mad King George Bush II, now paints while half hour tornadoes have now resulted from the nature of his and Dick Cheney's scavenging. All claim to Conservative mantles is stupid and stupid led. 
    Hurricanes are huger. 
    Face it, 2000 was stolen to have the world kept from making ourselves better. As our destroyers have made money, gas' weapon for generations. Selfish idiots.   
    The way the sidewalk taunter figures I'm just a slab of meat, is cruel to do to him. MEATHEADS at ABC-7 New York. 
    Beijing, Opium War(s) of More Centuries is too much. BE ETHICAL.
    To Yoko and Sean, the lying faces of the cruel hid nothing from GOD at all ...
    JFK Jr. and I rode bicycles up Madison Avenue. Talked. So short a time and he made us feel close. GOD Damn you jerks killing to stifle Time Marching On. And pompously ensconced in a male Figurehead NewsReader unable to see past right. Just because you're mad doesn't mean you have a valid point. Donald Dump Jr. BILL RITTER. What a crock emblazoned all over the city declaring a Dumpster hit another in Presidential tragedies. Dump's a criminal and so is BILL RITTER the FOOL
    And he had to die too, because THE FOOLS admire their diminishing history list of crucified American Voices. Abbie Hoffman, death by suicide within a week of his finally being released from jail. His cohort DEMONS OUT organizer Jerry Rubin ASSASSINATED by car. Before croaking told friends his mistake was making that spot a habit. Killing can be easier than avoiding being killed. At least we have a Bill Ritter giving facial credibility to then Monster-Zilla DONALD DUMP. Nothing's legitimate with these freaks. 
    Whose friend of whom is next ION THE HOWEVER IT FITS ENCURSION IN FRAMING HISTORY TO ILL ADVANTAGE BUSH OIL FAM,ILY BTREE CAN'T EVEN ANSWER TO THEMSELVES. to undermine? I've been next so long they avoided realizing how smart I got. Riding the bicycle thinking through a lot. 
    Damned FOOLS spawned so many of themselves the world over, patterned after what left the Third World just exploited Monopolist Capitalism. As wrong as Stalinism, that Mao glommed onto. That ends up being Perpetual Revenge for the OPIUM WARS. So what? It shouldn't be Grand Chinese Tradition, ruining the world along with the remnants of ill begotten European Aristocracy. 
    So what! Whole GOD Damned Revenge Legacies, Ritter's Knights are paying for just being lost consciences  in my face. Their admissions by this Security perimeter that they're tangentially related Guy Babylon's Killing means everything. Bill Ritter is that incorporated into the Criminal Behavior Madness of Authoritarian Rule beneath the American Scene. Definitely openly seen blocking me  behind the awesome stance of BIG MONEY rules. So, still things are faced and not as ABC has accomplished the last year supporting Dr. Armand hammer Los Angeles Acolyte Bill Ritter in this obscene use of the glass ceiling as glass wall as well. Well known violence does not happen by me, personally. 
    Eventually the tributaries of alliances Bill's congested New York with, either face their own disgust. Or remain lost in the lauding of celebratory back-patting of ABC Male Figurehead Sycophants who've decided New Yorkers buried me alive under Cornell University's Founders Wall. Because destroying MONEY, calculating it past usability throughout the world, isn't plausibly denied. Authentic judgement, outside the bought off US Supreme Court, is the Rich have emphatically enforced hands kept off their stash, to capitalism's ill effects.  Dag gum it!
    Idolized Money, as everywhere, is people's GOD Damned Choice. Should change but ABC insists I'm buried so ORGY @ Bill's. Dive in. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett's co-money-humper, thrives on exploitative amusement. I'm remembered under Cornell University's Founders Wall where New York City buried me for Guy Babylon's Killers. From ELTON JOHN, ____ you BILL RITTER RULED NEW YORK.
    As everyone's so definitely, glowingly, represented themselves before GOD's HOLY TRINITY. Because Bill said, "First of all, I don't believe in GOD?" No. GOD doesn't judge cruelly for speculation. But lying as Bill is immersed in? I guess keeping me from Sade became his goal in life. Icky, bigamist, egotist, selfish nonsense all out of an exploit OJ any way he could for his disgusting OIL WAR SPONSORED CAREER. 
    What a can of MACE would look like, if it had a face. Ritter's World of leave this place short of aspirations, jailing each other criminally to keep the less off off enough to carry the blame all themselves. Hotel Rooms a small fortune but prsoners have to be susceptible to Predators ion the Shower. The Governors of every state right up to the President are guilty of not facing America's Needs making the politics a NIGHTMAREB where the worst clown ever is running and money's needed to repeat themselves? FOOLS ran everything in the ground and no one's not been scared enough not to rock the boat to help. Radicals? MAD KING GEORGE BUSHES destroying the world allied with OPIUKM WAR Revenge is history and the future as connivers still rule. 
    Devotedly Bill Ritter propped up the idea a DUMP Assassination was more real than contrived. So devoted he is to dissolving the news HE DONATED HIS ORGY SATURDAY NIGHT HEAD to the festivities.
    They should market the Bill Imagery on MACE canisters. You GLASS CEILING Wicked Hoodlum for Secretive Scumbags. Rewarded your face. No wonder you've nothing to say other than the upset BILL look. Poor Wicked Boy Toy Bill.
     So I assume GOD Damn Me. Because I am facing ABC's Executives (And Beyond) Blaming Me. Who's running away facing nothing as angry? Not facing anything as Roy Cohn preached
alk passer-bys are even heard noticing Ritter's Clones babble "Guy Babylon Killers." Just chanting grants them an immunity from each other, till the scheme's turned backwards again not knowing where they are in the first place. Unethical is how the Prescott Bush/CIA General Bullcrap got going in the first place. Can't hide his sponsoring Hitler but sons can smile, slithering by, not facing anything. As America over self-rewarded ourselves destroying the world with the Mad King George Bushes. High on their own stash Gas. "Sick" as Ritter Security loves taunting. Told they've no conscience, their eyes go buggy. No fooling. IDIOTS! 
    Doesn't matter. Reward yourselves however you see fit. Just remember, I'm here for everyone and Ritter's people lost track of where money counts less than a soul of lost conscience and integrity. Faceless by any name. 
See you, John Wetton.

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