Titled It’s not just Homeland Security: US Army orders riot gear too, RT picked up on a procurement advertisement posted on the official government website for federal business opportunities, FedBizOpps.GOV. Printing it’s more than just stockpiling surveillance drones to spy on US citizens, the United States Army is attempting to procure an arsenal of riot gear in case the military must go toe-to-toe with civilians on US soil. A tidy assessment, that’s no doubt a valid conjecture, but the truth is, as has come out, American military personnel have been sent into combat and suffered for not being as well protected as others assigned to defend private property against our own U.S. citizenry whose resentment of wealth has required a military styled defense within the United States.
But as RT points out, a solicitation for weapons posted on the official government website for federal business opportunities reveals the US Army has been in the market for nonlethal equipment that very well might be used in the United States. The Web posting made earlier this summer, has the Army asking for bids for riot shields, face masks, polycarbonate batons and body armor. And on July 10, they awarded the contract to A2Z Supply Corp of Stevensville, Montana, who pledged to fulfill their request at the tune of $6,589.98. Though RT does not bother specifying if this is per soldier/policeman.
The latest inquiry from the US Army was filed only a few weeks before another call for bids was published by the Department of Homeland Security. On July 26, the DHS Office of Procurement Operations also wrote on FBO.gov that they were soliciting contractors to help equip them with riot helmets, tactical gloves, shin guards, body armor and other comparable equipment that could be used in tandem with a complex “riot control system.” According to the 2001 Executive Order that established the DHS signed by then-President George W Bush, the agency “will coordinate the executive branch’s efforts to detect, prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to and recover from terrorist attacks within the United States.” With an agency assigned only domestic duties asking for thousands of dollars’ worth of riot gear, and an army with more than one million soldiers seeking body armor, and not assault rifles, many are suggesting, according to RT, that the solicitation requests are readying the government for a full-blown war with its own people on US soil. The fact is as a Russian publication looking for controversy, they’re not versed in the facts that the United States has used controlled violence against American protest throughout its’ history. The first President George Washington led troops to put down the Whiskey Rebellion in rural Western Pennsylvania.
But the major prominent fact is the less protected and threatened the police feel, the more apt they are to respond with violence which incites further violence among protestors to respond to as the cycles of violence continue rolling on. Protecting the police enough to put down their weapons against American citizens would be a start, just as the Soviet military did back in 1991 that helped to bring about Russia’s dynamic change we’re still waiting on to come to completefruition too.
RT goes on to print both American government requests to private enterprisearmaments suppliers were published within days of recent Capitol Hill testimony delivered from Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano that included excerpts confirming the federal government is considering deploying surveillance drones over California as a means of proactively patrolling American cities under the guise of “public safety.” Uh huh. While we wait on government representation of all the people that could possibly render those activities benignly on our behalf rather than malignantly calculated to render all freedom from government control extinct.
Meanwhile RT reported the city of Anaheim, California has come into the spotlight in recent days for hosting a week of consecutive protests that targeted the city’s allegedly corrupt police department. Most likely as with the rest of America those underpaid officers are having to procure their own sideline investments to keep up with inflation the money handlers irresponsibly take no responsibility for unless it’s their own capitalizing on. Last weekend, two men were shot and killed by officers with the Anaheim PD. Peaceful demonstrations that erupted afterward spawned yet more violence dished out by the local law enforcement, escalating tensions between civilians and cops and causing many to declare that the brutal policing is a localized attempt to install military rule over the people. Now with domestic agencies and the national Army both asking for riot gear, the unrest in Anaheim that has already spilled into other US cities could soon be matched with government opposition — and opposition well equipped. To paraphrase Janis Joplin, “Lord, won’t you buy me, a Mercedes-Benz.” Then maybe I can move about without seeming to offend those in a position to use power that’s offensive to the very sanctity of everyone’s right to some day purchase an affordable Mercedes-Benz. That, God/Allah as our witness, no longer has to be armored for safety on this ruthless tyrannical planet.
Prepared For Better War?
7/30/2012 concluded: Meanwhile RT reported the city of Anaheim, California has come into the spotlight in recent days for hosting a week of consecutive protests that targeted the city’s allegedly corrupt police department. Most likely as with the rest of America those underpaid officers are having to procure their own sideline investments to keep up with inflation the money handlers irresponsibly take no responsibility for unless it’s their own capitalizing on. Last weekend, two men were shot and killed by officers with the Anaheim PD. Peaceful demonstrations that erupted afterward spawned yet more violence dished out by the local law enforcement, escalating tensions between civilians and cops and causing many to declare that the brutal policing is a localized attempt to install military rule over the people. Now with domestic agencies and the national Army both asking for riot gear, the unrest in Anaheim that has already spilled into other US cities could soon be matched with government opposition — and opposition well equipped. To paraphrase Janis Joplin, “Lord, won’t you buy me, a Mercedes-Benz.” Then maybe I can move about without seeming to offend those in a position to use power that’s offensive to the very sanctity of everyone’s right to some day purchase an affordable Mercedes-Benz. That, God/Allah as our witness, no longer has to be armored for safety on this ruthless tyrannical planet.
June 22 - July 31, 2018
A Not So Wonderful, Photo-opped, Cliqued, Life
The circus is in fine shape? Though some want the show identified as unstable, while others are resolved to seeing the benefit of the doubt as just not real enough to be much beyond sycophantic. Sophomoric totems are humanity's destiny?
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Jim Morin, Miami Herald - 12/22/2015 |
Tweeting what people think is, or not, thought scoundrelous behavior? That is a question. Whether it's right to facilitate mis-interpretations and wrong to unnecessarily fling idiosyncratic hyperboles, so indiscriminately, the public sphere's mere volleyed shallow catchphrases? What's faced is certainly not gumflapping. Yet people are due more than diametric positions muddled to distraction. Or not. Ba dump bump.
To be so absorbed and in love with power, as to be seduced by the very shortcuts that allowed your being there. Politicians should have more to do than attach to patriotism. ... too big for your britches.
May have heard "down by the riverside" down by the riverside, as one'd expect, at Clearwater's Great Hudson River Revival, wondering whether, next year's, Bob Dylan surprise, anonymous, guest appearance happens, perhaps, somewhere back by the drums.
As it turned out, for 2018's show, two hours upstate by car, that same weekend, across the river, there was another huge multi-stage festival, Mountain Jam, that didn't necessarily intend to aid bad water's lethargic agenda with their annually held, first weekend following Memorial Day, festival. Which doesn't matter, after all, there are a lot of people.
History’s Do What Stage
The dilemma's always how to tackle this now. Going along or resisting aren't options if they're the only choice. As eccentric as current circumstances seem, ...
Proportional appraisals are appropriate. That the present's confoundedly futile feeling's perturbing, is no different than when our theoretically less-sophisticated pasts handled matters. Politics are a business deal. Duh. Time plods. Imagery connects with people or no longer has relevance in the process of going along getting along. You'll enjoy the bitter taste because the syrup's just so thick, sweet and juicy. Diatribe rules?
Laying Out The Land, One Block At A Time
Goshen’s Real Estate Bargain
Without growth, there's isolation - stagnation. Business can't stop progress, nor the negative ramifications. Such that the valley hamlet of Goshen, New York is expected to be satisfied with an attraction by the highway that would, indubitably, change the town's character.
If not there should be a town law, more specifically written, against facilities of any kind conflicting with, or exploiting, the Trotter Horse Museum and town's general reflection of the down-home character of earlier centuries' cities. Because their current law was stretched thin.
Threatened, or not, by plasticized America. Goshen's hardly the place for memorializing that hallmarked fate. And who doesn't like Legos? Go Lincoln Logs. But this real estate bargain is a seriously farcical tragedy.
Threatened, or not, by plasticized America. Goshen's hardly the place for memorializing that hallmarked fate. And who doesn't like Legos? Go Lincoln Logs. But this real estate bargain is a seriously farcical tragedy.
Bustling plasticized Goshen's cha-ching ring's unappealing to many residents as against the notion of what it means to be Goshen. Find another town’s spot and maybe a, possibly, more tranquil Goshen will want your donation of a Lego Trotting Horse statue for a nice, kind, remembrance of the occasion. Legos deserve a museum, without a scar.
Prohibited uses in all districts.
The following uses are prohibited in all districts:
Amusement parks and circuses and related activities, except for a temporary period on special license from the Town Board. For purposes of this section, a commercial recreation facility in a Commercial Recreation Overlay District is neither an amusement park nor a circus.
[Amended 9-14-2017 by L.L. No. 4-2017[2]]
Great weather so join us for an hour to protest, spot zoning, pollution of the Otterkill Creek, illegal amusement parks in Goshen, the DEC investigation for lack of wastewater runoff control and the fine they received for breaking the Arcadia Hills sewer pipe in five places. Flyers and brochures. We need everyone's support to tell the town "It's Not a Done Deal." They have not built the park yet.
Concerned Citizens for the Hudson Valley
As it would happen, right before my exposure to Goshen's real estate blinders dilemma, a politician, from a booth I'd sidestepped, caught up and came around to face me, and offered his hand after explaining himself. Seems "I'm not from this district" didn't apply to the statewide office he seeks. Perhaps too amiably charismatic for the ruthless position, but no doubt a fighter being the career-long civil rights attorney, Michael Sussman. No matter that Green Party candidacies don't fit the moment's political necessities. The ornery Democrat's perspective should be in the New York State Attorney General's office. Pointing out that he's strictly worked from the adversarial side, misrepresents justice's highest ideals and why everything about our us vs. them quagmire falls short in a nightmarish Criminal Enterprise System.
A ceaseless chain cycles desperation's roots until healed. People doing bad drugs doesn't make sense. The whole hostile atmosphere is an unnecessary nightmare. When the police aren't on everyone's side, even criminals, horribleness occurs. Humanity at war with itself's oxymoronic.
The Soapbox View pursues the Twin Legacies
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