May 9, 2012 & November 2 - 16, 2015 Draft Below - .......
Long termed Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana loses a Republican primary as predicted by polls. North Carolina votes sixty-one to thirty-nine percent in favor of intolerance of homosexual equality. But the day after his loss if you go to Senator Lugar’s website, there was no mention of the election as if his loss never happened and our Gay population will not quit as you probably don’t need a web link to confirm.
What’s evident is our political process is virtually infinite. No one can claim to have made a final decision for everyone else. Which is why politicians abuse the expression “the American people” to only associate themselves with winning.

The phrase has a strong ironic appeal for our diverse disagreeing population though its questionable to assume anyone knows what Americans will think because we are independent. Which is why those in the political business know not to strongly identify with actual ideas that could be interpreted as wrong at one time or another, and avoided at all costs during an election campaign as documented in Michael Lewis’ book Trail Fever: Spin Doctors, Rented Strangers, Thumb Wrestlers, Toe Suckers, Grizzly Bears, and Other Creatures on the Road to the White House.
Despite every politician’s possible claim to have read John F. Kennedy’s book, Profiles In Courage, concerning politicians who took an historical stand contrary to the majority’s opinion. But in fact all our election cycles clarify our opinions are crafted to suit an interest as money talks is the only prevailing position worth taking. Hence negative advertising is the only kind worth financing, and arguing without listening our current political debates’ legacy.
Lugar trips were no junkets, Obama recalls By
Then revolution will just be commercialized?
November 3, 2014 - This pseudo-essay didn't flesh out themes further. Hopefully that comes with practice.
November 2 - 16, 2015
Tis The Political Season Of
5/9/12 concluded
..., and arguing without listening our current political debates’ legacy.
Sounds apropos the publicity from last month's Boulder, Colorado, 10/28, Republican Presidential Debate? Where candidates' whining stage antics were sold, fait accompli, to THE AMERICAN PEOPLE as an issue of clarity, worth rectifying. Not persistently, redundant, harping and patronizing fiscal conservative purity. But staying on message for the Gipper. Don't nobody mess with the collection plate. Democrats are professional politicians who stay in office to collect corrupt skim. While Republicans divvy up before going in. Sure. Patriots don't even want, or care for, even the façade of a traditionally exuberant press intervening with, or tracking patronal political machinations. Using antagonistic questions patently disloyal to team politics when America's been bred for the glossiest entertainment?
"Gotcha journalism." Still. Guessing? As sins go. Way short of over-simplifying America's brand? A country too sensitive to believe the insensitive truth. Bamboozled's a standard. Adherence a trend.
We should hold our breaths Michael Beschloss uncovers further label smudging of the presidential mirror in his next Sunday Business essay for The New York Times? This time rendering the polishing of Ike.
Or deeper yet? The rest of us question the belief Russia's not following Western Intellectual Economic advice thats led to more ruthlessly influenced spheres. When face it. Russians saw what worked, not make believe. Nothing could be done when chess game was over before it had, even, supposedly, begun.
Or deeper yet? The rest of us question the belief Russia's not following Western Intellectual Economic advice thats led to more ruthlessly influenced spheres. When face it. Russians saw what worked, not make believe. Nothing could be done when chess game was over before it had, even, supposedly, begun.
Well then, anyway. Cat's out of the bag, huh? Political rhetoric is sold as pure game. Look at the ease with which, professed, non-political lifer Ben Carson was credited reiterating club-speak. Candidate Carson was quoted, basically, saying, "disseminating the affirmation of the candidates" is proper moderator conduct for specific parties' debates. Stalin grins in his grave? Turn off the music. Illusions have been put to rest. THE GREAT AMERICAN INFOMMERCIAL cut from the Jargon's News template. Not what's actually happening or worth investigation or clarification. But outright easiest method of influence? An appearance of the winning slant. Ta da!
Propaganda For Everyone!
Read in Will Rogers' voice. Is the constant ethics conflict perpetual without change? Cause there're signs seeing numbers all day means it's all you see. Congress fundraising most nearly all year. Beyond me why politics isn't just a written off business expense all over the place, entire world? Wherever appropriate nowhere. Whether bribery, graft, collusion, conspiracy, or even conniving self-serving litigation, it's all money flowing through portals far from life's belittled scroungers. Safe and secure. Reality. That's actually more problems to face, that aren't. Because pompous platitudes can't solve this planet's ethics crisis because ethics are only followed in a pinch. When leverage doesn't work and down-home pled-for sympathy the last recourse. Religion a refuge for violence because sloganeering rules the world. No?
It just follows when one ridiculousness becomes another.
We All Face Escalating Antagonism's Results
Admit it's unlikely Allah/God would admit to telling any of us monsters anything people claim. Ba dump bump. Hatreds are condensed to cover billions of people prejudices don't apply to. Ironic? Holy Books condemn usurping God/Allah's judgement. While humans rationalize we're greatest, when its possible we're not even the Creator's most advanced scum. Since scientists are convinced there's more out there than even we can see?
There aren't really alternatives here. Politics as much as cold hard economic fact is reality. As is conscience which, when everyone affords one, makes everything honky-dory.
Speaking of countering propaganda. How about the concept that friendship with Law Enforcement means enforcing a broad American Criminal Class/Citizenry with no shared responsibility for the Criminal Enterprise System's creation. Because politics are polls to know how much discrimination can be gotten away with? But plain damned time to be civilized and not this godawful ruthless mess.
Culturally Immoral Nonsense not to weed out the Criminal Enterprise System. Anyone in the Law Enforcement business could tell you. No matter what a bad intoxicant may influence. That's nothing compared to when the chemicals within us are ego-driven to express superiority and when real damage occurs. Governors Gateway of New York and New Jersey, who are coincidentally having a tunnel, no doubt temporarily, named in their honors? Governors, any thoughts besides repeating bad laws teach citizens respect for authority when the opposite occurred and America should want this historically diagnosed remnant of jingoistic prejudice righted? Until America admits what's wrong, how's the rest of the world supposed to admit anything? Stern punishment may be an answer but the American Prison System's really cruel and inhuman. Everything weighed, prisoners aren't the only problem with the prison system yet they're held responsible for what's wrong. Man. Punishment is supposed to suck but we still haven't evolved from our predator roots. How's a world to improve that doesn't? That clings to tradition making believe morality's worth all this stress. When its obsessiveness obviously produced a mess.
It's probably not generally realized President Putin's writing history? But every time the reasonable excuse of righteous sovereignty and protecting Russians in other countries comes up, that even though it's not fair to Russians in those places, now, who grew up there. Reality is it is the result of corrupt Moscow domination planting Russians over the entire Soviet Union. That however unfortunate it is, and not those Russians' faults. By not being a staple of objective, duo-faceted, reporting. The fact becomes lesser known till not general knowledge at all. No matter how many different places facts are recorded, the truth isn't quite in the business of controlling people's minds. Now is it?
Perhaps smug public arrogance reaches a, quite easily kicked out from under, soapbox. As an entirely inadequate defense, worthy of derisive sneer. The tradition has me hooked and novel prepared my hopping on. Anticipating however corroboration comes. Or:
Wrong if there's evidence.
Sunday morning, 11/9/15. The song For What It's Worth was used by Will Shortz the puzzle master for The New York Times on a Corporation For Public Corporate Broadcasting entity, NPR. National Public Radio. Asked during the Sunday Puzzle segment was the answer Buffalo Springfield that the NPR host, contestant and Mr. Shortz acknowledged was before their times to remember. A seminal song in the history of American protest but before their time. A pop tune? Yet much in American history before all our times is relentlessly indoctrinated into us ad nauseam. For the purpose of forgetting a thorougher understanding of history? Because indoctrination superseding education is authoritarianism and beware of that and reality's tough signals to grasp.
Well. In The New York Times Book Review, Paul Collier, professor of Economics and Public Policy at Oxford University, finished a, snicker, scathing review of David Rieff's The Reproach Of Hunger reproaching the book's missing - "an opportunity to wrestle with how such stale ideologies contribute to the persistence of hunger." Grasped point? Politics faced? Eh? Political wonder? Oh.
Stop Being Anyone's Sycophant
Leading back to this speculation's original topic, symbolism. My mother, to sound convincing, could have told me about November 10th's Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Republican debaters, as well as of myself. That "sitting on your laurels" is the deeper threat to integrity one shouldn't want but expect? Ooo, they're so confident. If they wanted they could whip up gloss on a fire hydrant. And have. But gag me with a totalitarian whip. Fixing requires admitting responsibility for error and that's what's politically unreasonable. Anything pitched the public's smudge-able and capably pasted over? Why kids in the Middle East revengefully execute jihad against a world that had nothing to do with them but revenge. Insane. Learned at another confused generation's knees? Blah, blah, blah. Build more walls. Antagonize into infinity. Which none of us would see so business as usual, right-o.
While Putin's criticized, World Leaders continue perfecting their learning Leverage 101 too. Push when shoved. Vladimir Putin, sir? The world's on your shoulders. But not what you think you see around you. Because truly, the future will value The Glory of Nations as second to the honor of individuals. Get your hands dirty for Russia, Mr. Aristocrat who's in jeopardy of equation with history's perpetual succession of Oblomovs. Taking off your shirt's a photo-op. We all deserve better. Especially you, Comrade Putin. You're not fixing what's better left done. Justice would negate crime not ensure its prosperity. Facing history is doing much more than just what's convenient. Law and Order is not Authoritarian nonsense, or at least it shouldn't be. Eh America?
Expect a world where sense makes no sense. When the constant mystery's why money's not circulating. Rational minimum wages. While recognizing value, the significance is manipulating money's the only short term solution available. The hope minimum wage ever means that? Honestly appears to be fool's gold. And the penny's insignificance is the evidence. Look. People so smart a lot's solved with a lot of money. While destroying the heart of surviving with a little that's pretend aristocracy's fuel for belief in ruthless strength. If it can't even be intellectually questioned that inflation's a con? Something's hiding the truth.
Politically? Andy Griffith's Sheriff Taylor ruling Mayberry is the dream. But what keeps turning up is the actor's more accurate portrayal, Lonesome Rhodes? The realistically crass part of our ruthlessly political souls?
While Putin's criticized, World Leaders continue perfecting their learning Leverage 101 too. Push when shoved. Vladimir Putin, sir? The world's on your shoulders. But not what you think you see around you. Because truly, the future will value The Glory of Nations as second to the honor of individuals. Get your hands dirty for Russia, Mr. Aristocrat who's in jeopardy of equation with history's perpetual succession of Oblomovs. Taking off your shirt's a photo-op. We all deserve better. Especially you, Comrade Putin. You're not fixing what's better left done. Justice would negate crime not ensure its prosperity. Facing history is doing much more than just what's convenient. Law and Order is not Authoritarian nonsense, or at least it shouldn't be. Eh America?
Expect a world where sense makes no sense. When the constant mystery's why money's not circulating. Rational minimum wages. While recognizing value, the significance is manipulating money's the only short term solution available. The hope minimum wage ever means that? Honestly appears to be fool's gold. And the penny's insignificance is the evidence. Look. People so smart a lot's solved with a lot of money. While destroying the heart of surviving with a little that's pretend aristocracy's fuel for belief in ruthless strength. If it can't even be intellectually questioned that inflation's a con? Something's hiding the truth.
Politically? Andy Griffith's Sheriff Taylor ruling Mayberry is the dream. But what keeps turning up is the actor's more accurate portrayal, Lonesome Rhodes? The realistically crass part of our ruthlessly political souls?
Politicians disseminate whatever sticks. So prone to miss broad appraisals? Perhaps when advisors take a long lunch? Transfixed by soup and façade? Considering ethics aren't incentive. Money can't but does disappear in tight circulation. Shrewd or schmucks. Whatever floats ethical boats? But capitalism is socialism. So obviously, a lot screwed up. Time upright meant upright, not revenge. Except no one admits knowing nothing. Uh huh. Geniuses? Ah-men.
Wonder why today's
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