Friday, August 9, 2013

What’s Worse Is The Claim Two Wrongs Make A Right?

Month 1 of business amnesty, courts released 13 prisoners.

Complete Public Awareness advocate Edward Snowden, is a tolerated pawn given a year's refuge by the Russian State? To at least overtly demonstrate a subtle disdain for American Political Machine attitudes toward the Russian Elite's sovereignty over their own people too. Mind your own business is such a redundant chant that it doesn't have to be publicly repeated again now. Mr. President?

So in all patriotic deference to the false idol, nationalist idolatry, it should be remembered that government, religious and political, as a definition of cultural identity and loyalty has enabled authoritarians to define civil liberty. Downright leading to punishment having nothing to do with protecting a nations' citizens, but replacing legitimate safeguards against violence with the Fear of the State. 
American Plant, Russian Spy 
Funny how in an absurdly unfunny way Americans' predilection for undervaluing Russian patriotism is, when it comes to the United States what politically coerced citizens flock to, to claim identification with the hallmarks of true Patriotism. Superiority not just to Illegal Aliens, but everyone? 

Just look to the picture left as to where people can be politically pointed culturally. Endlessly polished smoke-and-mirrors of not actual intrigue, but fun and games we're allowed in on when it's either easiest to formulate a controlled consensus or at least tally the preferred votes. 

Until events come to actually weighing factors, then it's those that passed the educational barriers, of no doubt certain relevance, and levels of acceptable respectability that privately nurtured publicly give the truly influential more value in access than mere public servants?  

Honor For Sale?

It is true that in the man pictured right's time, Socialism was logically collectively scapegoated by the bourgeoisie for misappropriating capital from even more profitable channels of economic diversity? As a stern executioner of finally legitimate warmonger tactics against what should have been the final twist toward World War Insanity, it must be true Mr. Churchill's logic is written in stone? 
Yet corporate welfare, the other polished side of the political coin was just a strength and no one's impediment when either way it's just accounting and everyone seems cheated as often enough as not? 

So today the ideal of trickle down has become laws with an ability to gorge or dissolve depending upon how strengthened the strong are as it should be rather than subsidizing the passively opportunity deficient. 

Oh, boo hoo. If I wrote to be agreed with, there'd be nothing else to say?

Fascinating. Do you realize we collectively go day to day hearing logic that's not applied to circumstances because profit can't be realized? Don't kid yourselves.
To Avoid The Taint, Rabid Anti-Communist
Liberal Hubert Horatio Humphrey
Our greatest belittled accomplishments from Socialist Daycare to caring for abandoned animals, society domesticated, to comfortable corporate heads. No eye is off the financial ball. Less hearts actually bleeding because people care, after all? We care with our money as it should be. So everything brought to fruition entrepreneurially, squeezes the right margins for capitalism to reach every beggar in a lazy suit and tie to hopeless vagrant entitled to handouts? Capitalism cleans the streets. Socialism is capitalism. So is it true sycophantic political insiders just spout what gets them paid, without the investment of pure integrity, because the wish to be popular is where money flows from? Capitalism is socialism is capitalism if you asked me? 
To whatever degree the pictured above point can be regarded, is a loyalty less blinded by the impurities of pure patriotism?
Bradley - As Confused As Government - Manning?
The Soapbox View Satirical Twist in pursuit of the 
Twin Legacies

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