Monday, August 19, 2013

Incarceration Or Not To Be Is A Question?

Buster Keaton - Rationally Speaking?
Whether its nobler to lock Everyone up and Pragmatically throw away The key for Insurance Against Immorality. Resolved, Incarceration Solves Everything

Isn't that the dream? 

That moral rectitude supersedes the actual inhumanity in prison that's also just a Casualty of Cultural War?

You'd think in general locked-up people would get better treatment than Charles Manson?

But brand spanking new days are ahead if the pictured right smiling faces of Russian political stars Medvedev and Putin was their actual reaction to learning of last Monday the 12th's announcement by United States Attorney General, Eric Holder that the American government intends to reduce our prison population. Thereby following Russia's noteworthy lead in this new trend toward de-incarceration after President Putin's June 21st decree releasing a portion of their economic criminals.
Nadezhda Tolokonnikov
Twin Events that could no doubt soon be recognized and remembered for what's allegedly already thought throughout the world. That however benignly money can be calculated, the ruthlessness in the criminal enterprise system is just capitalism too. Why not just count us all out?

Clarence Darrow
Clear a path for the lawyers to come through? Yet while litigation can solve and lay bare the various nefarious transparent motives underlying criminal intent, the desperation behind crime continues unresolved. Such that a criminality that's as much cultural as criminal co-finances the ruthless Drug War's enforcement of an intolerantly framed public mind? A nanny state cultural prejudice, and all that jazz, that doesn't just incorporate inhumane punishment, but violates The Constitution against obstructing liberty?

Let The People Go?

There'll be those who'll not Manage life's hard knocks And earn punishment, but Not the crime punishment
Prison an architect's Dream? Hovels to the nth DegreeWhat is there to advocate but hope logic comes to pass?
From THE ASSOCIATED PRESS as Obituaried in 
The New York TimesAugust 14th
Jack W. Germond, Longtime Political Columnist, Dies at 85
Jack Germond's punditry on The McLaughlin Group has been characterized as old-timer cornpone schtick journalism from, among other things, his admission to hanging out in Bars for real inside information. Retires from the business, and now, passing, leaves his wife and family and recently finished first novel of a political reporter involved in intrigue. Published last Friday, August 16th, A Small Story for Page Three
Caricatured Lower Left

Show Nemesis
Remember Jack's seated stretch?Tightening a pant leg for effect then squinting as his head reared in reactionary awe, injecting, "Aw c'mon" into some preposterous discussion that contradicted decent judgement? 
According to AP in "Fat Man Fed Up," Mr. Germond wrote, "after 50 years of exposure to thousands of politicians, I am convinced that we get about what we deserve at all levels of government, up to and including the White House."

Egypt's Facing Tragedy?
Aug. 14 Death Toll In Egypt Climbs To 525 
Aug. 19 is 800 + & Soapbox View

Apparently the "we dare you to shoot us" attitude of the demonstrators was the official explanation for Muslim Egyptian protestors deaths last week though justice is not revenge. Especially when gathered as political pawns and nothing good ever comes from violence.

Of note is The New York Times August 17th editorial, Let Our Client Go by Ross Douthat summarizing the assessment "a great power that thinks it's buying influence is often buying into trouble instead." 

While Egyptian Authority cannot bring President Morsi back? Nor look less authoritarian? But understandably as the military was always in charge, they should act more like it than killing civilians with feudal outlooks or not. 
But guns are coups so Egypt needs more vision for compromise? 

Perpetual Debtors' Prison
So the last word should be Politics?
What’s Worse Is The Claim Two Wrongs Make A Right?
Friday, August 9, 2013

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