GOD is everything, everywhere. WAR over GOD is GOD damned wrong. KREMLIN-BEIJING-TAIWAN-WASHINGTON etc.?
Encircle World in Zelensky World Tour War is Wrong
Competitive instinct resolving that profit for, and on, MORONS is economic survival? Is just one too many damned petty lies fit for burial. IDIOTS
The Geniusness of Paddy Chayefsky -
Literally not reading is thinking nothingness, moron edition.
A personal like is one thing. But conspiratorial maneuvered morons corralled themselves with their own rope. So, without asking, republishing Dalton Gackle's Review, of The Hammer and Cycle Messenger Service, below, showcases how any publication's cornered into printing nonsense. Mr. Gackle's illustration wrapped with a bow.
Further research, like a click away, reveals he's a Black Man. A Black Man reads that book and well, readers know. Idiotic not to understand the book's larger points point. Mr. Gackle's author's admission to not reading signifies the valueless trumped up generational republican pose exposed. Intentionally NOT READING. In any game, a punishing yourself offense.
The Hammer and Cycle, at that point, queried nation's university newspapers for any review. Iowa State obliged. So by last minute, checking in, inviting me to a Total TV executive threesome as additional sit in was a request made of my editor that I was ready to talk to Mike. From where I sat I needed to know how to help him. The clue to too much was the "how do you know" when I said the invasion of Ukraine was coming. History. Putin doesn't have Crimea for sweeping pawns. Embellished the line or not, sue me.
My editor saw I was unable to talk inside after pictures I objected to posing with but took on to an extent. Outside, gist, National Enquirer tackle Mike Hammer gleefully exclaimed "Dalton Gackle" citing my noticeable defeat? Bad training that any coach would find themselves having leave the field in disgruntlement. Meaning confusion was CHECKMATE already. Money's ambition's best, if money matters less than mattering more than mattering less.
Everyone: Decor sans tie, networking (career status) spy.The Drew friend, pictured, even had the audacity facing me not confronting his blaming JEWS for his upset career. Confronted GOD as not asking to be born. And what did I think of that staring me straight in the eyes.
Heard, asked and confronted. He wouldn't quite apologize, gibberish about meaning to and of course he personally didn't create the problem of his total fairness persisting. Such an idiot confronting life as what manipulators had made the world to think of itself. Enemies defending intolerances that should have edged themselves out generations ago. That's what pretend to contrive your life around economics is everything is all about.
Next toast time I saw Caroline she ran from the room screaming you'll find out what he's all about. Calmly composed my waiting to see what he does became something his should could avoid again and scream why can't Jesus Christ save me like every other soul compelled in HELL? The reason is you let GOD rule your dick instead of your brain. And get it, idiot. I'm not even necessarily pointing this out just for you.
on behalf of sinners such as himself living to claim Jesus Christ's forgiveness allows anything except fooling GOD jerks.
At least he and his actor friend who attached the incentive of behind in rent from the start. Remembering Drew's taunt and I know why you want it and he could let anyone buy a time on his lease and well. He didn't believe my back was hurt. A Cornell doctor was satisfied I wasn't lying Drew-Mike. Evidence? Hearing in my own range your approving the 23 year Astoria apartment. A window wall covered by a building never filled for ten years. Chaotic coincidence. I have memories of people messing with me that honestly astound me at the time spent when watching inconvenience is apparently what people watching was made around me.
"Not moving at a pace I like" in the review would nail away anyone believing a scholarship;lar should be bought which is the only reason a school's scholars to allow such a shallow addressing when already years before recognized as perpetually stored by the digital division of the continent of Australia's National Library. Where Mike Hammer's transparent patron Rupert Murdoch's trillions belong for storage. Mike should manage the Mar-a-Lago concubines in the Presidential Suite where the Italian Society of Actors are arranged to beat the Trump image across inmates brains with a soft apology. Idiots not reading isn't a punishable offense till you teach America your weapon is valid. IDIOTS. I won't do television. But if Mr. Gackle asks. Right, lots of names to suggest for guests better at framing me than me. Well, to a point.
I have to ask? Did any of you ever do the jobs you showed me. Okay Mike you got Drew some gigs to tide through. Oh, he never applied himself so Handsome Drew wasted office time. Resume trashed.
can now dream in tandem of that Argentine orgy they live in a dream. A Blue Bloods optioned Script. Vacating Self-Idolization. Opening with Tom Selleck rolling over the dinner table saying, "He did what?" Tom Selleck laughiMaybe. But lie so much guilty's not my problem. People have to know what I like no matter how friendly my enemies made themselves around me. Crime prevention probably is best solved abusers jail themselves because incubating prisons for further crime has gone on long enough. And people need to realize their sheltered home lies are where their lying belongs laid to rest.
ISD Bookshelf: The Hammer and Cycle Messenger Service
“The Hammer and Cycle Messenger Service” is an unengaging read. I could not even finish it, though I do know how it ends. I love to read, and I normally force myself to finish books that are not moving at a pace I like. However I just could not find a reason to continue this novel. Historical fiction is my favorite genre to read, and I have enjoyed dense books. Not this one.
The book starts off incredibly dry and sluggish, despite detailing a traffic accident. There are several reasons for the novel’s inability to pick up steam.
The first is the difficult writing style of the author, Charles M. Fraser. His sentences contain too much information, displaying an inability to condense heavy political and social commentary. Sentences run on longer than they should, causing them to lose their informative purpose. The meaning of the words becomes confusing when there are too many to handle.
The sentence problem can be traced to the second reason for why the book is so slow. Fraser attempts to include a complex backstory for the main character, Hank Greenway, in eighty pages of dialogue. We are forced to engage in Greenway’s intense political cynicism through not only through his eyes but also from the perspective of other characters. Switching perspectives is a difficult skill in writing, and Fraser failed in this case. It just added to the confusion of an already dense and complex bombardment of the capitalist system.
Getting past how dense it was, I felt like I was watching Bill O’Reilly’s show: A one-sided monologue without any break in opinion. Other characters were allowed to present their views, but they were cut off right as they were making sense, just as O’Reilly interrupts his guests before they can really contradict his views.
Maybe that’s why I could not get into it. It just annoyed me a little and kept dragging on and on.
While Fraser is relating his own experience and view of the world as a former bike messenger, he overdid the introduction of his story. Perhaps having the ideals of Hank Greenway evolve over the course of the book, rather than trying to present them straight away, would have moved the book forward faster and created a more relatable character.
The actual story and plot of the novel is certainly interesting. Hank sets off for the unstable USSR only to get caught up in an attempt to overthrow the government, all because of his fascination with a socialist utopia that he thinks he can find with his working class job as a bike messenger.
Unfortunately I could not get to the real meat of the story. The first portion of the book is just an uphill climb to nowhere.
Fraser’s self-publishing effort will not find itself a place on my bookshelf. I only wish he could go back and into a refining process to create more interest in the beginning pages of his novel.
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